
'This Is Not a Drill': As Hearings Begin, Democrats Told to 'Go for the Jugular' to #StopKavanaugh

As President Donald Trump’s right-wing Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee for his first confirmation hearing Tuesday morning, progressive lawmakers and advocacy groups are ramping up what has been described as the “biggest campaign against a Supreme Court nominee in U.S. history” to stop a judge who poses a dire threat to the planet, workers, and the reproductive rights of women.

“If Kavanaugh is confirmed, he will rule for giant corporations and powerful interests on critical cases affecting the lives of Americans for a generation.”
—Sen. Elizabeth Warren”This is not a drill,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) declared on Twitter Monday night. “The Supreme Court, and the future of our country—are both on the line. If we’re going to stop Kavanaugh, we need you to speak out now.”

In addition to urging Americans to blow up the phone lines of Democratic senators who haven’t committed to opposing Kavanaugh, activists also gathered outside the Senate in anticipation of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.

Organized by, NARAL, and other progressive organizations, protests against the most unpopular Supreme Court nominee in decades will continue Tuesday evening and throughout the rest of the week.

“The GOP is one vote away from swaying the balance of the Supreme Court and achieving their goal of gutting Roe v. Wade and ending critical healthcare protections. Brett Kavanaugh is just the guy for the job,” progressive groups wrote on Facebook. “Despite what the Trump administration would have us believe, this country does not want to turn back the clock on our basic freedoms. We’re going to make sure our senators hear us… We don’t want someone determined to rollback our rights on the bench of our highest court! It’s time to get loud!”