
Today, Frack Free Lancashire… Tomorrow, Frack Free World?

Despite “massive pressure” from both the UK government and the fossil fuel industry, local elected officials in the northwest county of Lancashire have rejected a drilling application from the energy firm Cuadrilla to start fracking at a site on England’s Fylde coast. 

The UK Telegraph described the vote as “a major setback” for Britain’s shale gas industry, with the Lancashire County Council justifying its refusal on the grounds that Cuadrilla’s proposal would have “an unacceptable adverse impact on the landscape” including “urbanizing” its rural character, and would have an “unacceptable noise impact” for local residents.

According to the BBC‘s Helen Carter, “people wept openly” in the wake of the vote—”but they were tears of joy, not disappointment.”

Subsequently, Carter reported: “A chorus of ‘Frack free Lancashire’ sounded outside County Hall. Then ‘Frack free world’.”

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