
Most Canadians Support Keeping 2-Metre Physical Distancing Rule: Poll

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OTTAWA — Two-thirds of Canadians don’t want to relax physical distancing rules imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19, a new poll suggests. And even if they were relaxed, a strong majority wouldn’t be comfortable taking part in activities that would bring them closer to other people, like going to a movie theatre. Sixty-six per […]


“J. Edgar” : première photo officielle ! [PHOTO]

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Le 5 janvier prochain, Leonardo DiCaprio sera Hoover, dans “J. Edgar”, sa première collaboration avec Clint Eastwood, et une première photo officielle vient de faire son apparition ! Quand il fait des infidélités à Martin Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio ne néglige pas le prestige pour autant. Après une incursion chez Christopher Nolan (Inception), c’est devant la […]


Families Of Dead Nursing Home Residents Rally Against Doug Ford Policies

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TORONTO — Grieving and worried families of long-term care residents gathered outside Queen’s Park Tuesday to rally against expected Ford government changes to lawsuit rules and health care. “Throughout all of it, our government has not been listening to us, the families,” Cathy Parkes, whose father Paul died with COVID-19 at a Pickering, Ont. nursing […]


Les Weinstein intéressés par “Les Lyonnais” ?

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Les frères Weinstein veulent distribuer le prochain film d’Olivier Marchal aux Etats-Unis. Après Intouchables le mois dernier (et surtout The Artist, que ces rois du lobbying comptent mettre sur orbite pour les Oscars), c’est un autre film français qui susciterait l’intérêt des frères Weinstein : Les Lyonnais. Selon Variety, ils seraient actuellement en discussions avec […]


Covid-19 : le protocole sanitaire dans les entreprises bientôt assoupli ?

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Un assouplissement du protocole sanitaire dans les entreprises devrait être rendu public dans la semaine. Ce projet mettrait fin à la règle des quatre mètres carrés par salarié et demanderait aux entreprises de nommer un référent Covid pour informer et veiller à la bonne application des mesures. Sommaire Le plan de circulation maintenu Un nouveau […]


McLaren takes legal action to secure vital new loan

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The McLaren Group has asked a court to allow it to use its factory and heritage collection as collateral for a new loan aimed at stemming “severe and unexpected” financial difficulties. The automotive company, which includes McLaren Racing, has been legally challenged by a group of creditors who contend that the McLaren Technology Center and […]


B.C. Emergency Room Staff Allegedly Guessed Indigenous Patients' Alcohol Levels

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VANCOUVER — British Columbia’s premier says there’s no excuse for “dehumanizing behaviour” after some emergency room staff were accused of playing a game to guess the blood-alcohol levels of Indigenous patients. “I am outraged by reports of ugly, anti-Indigenous, racist behaviour at multiple health-care facilities in B.C.,” John Horgan said in a statement Friday. “No […]