
Bill de Blasio reelected NYC mayor

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Click:cnc routing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has been reelected to a second term in office, The Associated Press reported not long after polls closed. Polls ahead of voting on Tuesday projected a sweeping victory for de Blasio, a progressive Democrat who was first elected in 2013. His Republican opponent, New York state Assemblywoman […]


Trudeau Brushes Off Conservative Claim He’s Being ‘Dictatorial’ With COVID-19 Aid Bill

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Deputy Conservative Leader Candice Bergen accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of “acting in a dictatorial way” Tuesday by moving to fast-track legislation for new COVID-19 aid programs, despite his earlier decision to prorogue Parliament for nearly six weeks. Trudeau, in turn, accused the Tories of playing “petty politics” during a crisis. Watch the exchange:   […]


Dems think Trump can deliver suburbs to their party

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Democrats see evidence of suburban voters losing their patience with President TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE and his policies, and believe they can capitalize […]


Statutory Holiday For Truth And Reconciliation Proposed By Liberals

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OTTAWA — The federal government introduced a bill Tuesday to create a national holiday for truth and reconciliation that will honour First Nations, Inuit and Métis survivors, families, and communities impacted by residential schools. Bill C-5, tabled by Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault, continues the work of former NDP MP Georgina Jolibois. The former MP from […]


Secret Shoppers Find Problems With 20% Of Interactions With Canadian Wireless Sellers

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TORONTO ― A “secret shopper″ campaign on behalf of the CRTC found evidence of misleading or aggressive behaviour in about one-fifth of the interactions between its undercover shoppers and sales staff for six major wireless carriers. Canada’s telecom regulator said the vast majority of interactions during its “secret shopper″ investigation early this year were perceived […]


Nuclear Experts Warn Trump: Do Not Torpedo Successful Iran Deal

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President-elect Donald Trump has said that his “number one priority is to dismantle” the Iran nuclear accord, but dozens of the nation’s preeminent scientists and nuclear experts sent the incoming leader a strongly-worded letter (pdf) on Monday urging him not to do so, saying that the deal “has dramatically reduced the risk” of nuclear weapons […]


Bracing for Trump, Protests Commence in Nation's Capital and Beyond

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With less than a week until President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, the resistance has officially begun.  People around the country rallied on Saturday to tell the nation: Even in the face of the threats posed by the incoming Trump administration, immigrants and their families are here to stay.  #Heretostay Tweets “The Trump team has already announced […]


Facing Information Crackdown, Federal Agencies Go 'Rogue' on Twitter

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Taking on President Donald Trump on his preferred battleground, roughly two dozen “rogue” Twitter accounts have sprung up since Tuesday, allegedly created by anonymous federal workers in irreverent protest of the Trump administration’s anti-science stance. The phenomenon began when the official Badlands National Park account started tweeting the facts about climate change—an effort that swiftly […]


'Unfit for the Job': Puzder's Personal and Professional Records Under Fire

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With President Donald Trump’s Labor secretary pick, fast-food CEO Andy Puzder, facing increasing scrutiny and a growing opposition campaign, four GOP senators are reportedly “withholding judgement” on the controversial nominee.  According to CNN reporter Manu Raju on Tuesday, Republican Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Tim Scott (S.C.), and Johnny Isakson (Ga.) are “all withholding […]