
Hours After Texas School Shooting, Students Detained for Peacefully Protesting Outside Paul Ryan's Office

Four Maryland high school students were arrested by Capitol Police on Friday afternoon for peacefully protesting outside House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) office in Washington, D.C., demanding that the lawmaker work to pass stricter gun control legislation that has the support  of most Americans.

“We should not live in a country where we have to go to school in fear of the possibility of looking down the barrel of a rifle,” Daniel Gelillo, a member of Montgomery County Students for Gun Control, which staged the protest, told the Huffington Post.

The demonstration came hours after 10 people were gunned down at a high school in Santa Fe, Texas. The U.S. Capitol Police confirmed that four of the students were detained and face charges for “crowding, obstructing, or incommoding.”

Wearing signs that read “Allow the Vote,” the students arrived at the Longworth House Office Building at around 4:30pm on Friday and assembled on the floor outside Ryan’s office. The demonstration was live-streamed  on Periscope.

Ryan has refused to allow the House to consider new restrictions on gun purchases and ownership in the wake of the Parkland shooting, prompting condemnation from Democrats and gun control advocates.