The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will vote on a new and updated version of Net neutrality rules at its February monthly meeting, currently scheduled for February 26.
In Friday’s Washington Post, Brian Fung reported:
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Earlier in the week, Fung wrote, “… Momentum seems to have been building at the Federal Communications Commission for aggressive net neutrality rules similar to the kind endorsed by President Obama in November. The stronger rules laid out in Obama’s plan would see the FCC treat lightly regulated broadband companies like their more heavily regulated cousins in the telephone industry…”
Central to the argument put forward by the president and pro-Net neutrality media reform groups is the reclassification of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) as a common carrier — a utility like the phone companies — under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. This gives the FCC greater regulatory authority. Until recently, the major ISPs have vehemently opposed reclassification, but as Fung noted last week, “… New filings to the FCC suggest a growing realization that aggressive rules may be coming, regardless. This is reflected in an increasingly detailed debate over how far those rules should go — if, in the end, the FCC takes that route.”