
Look Around, Workers Are Pissed

It doesn’t take much digging.

Across the world and within the United States, workers—both in the public and private sectors—are demanding living wages, better working conditions, and above all, dignity. Here’s just a sample.

In , garment factory workers have been striking for nearly a week over the poor working conditions in their country, facing down rubber bullets, tear gas, and violent reprisals as they called for meaningful reforms of their industry. On Thursday, the government ordered paramilitary troops into the industrial areas to wrest control from workers and provide security to factories. As Bloomberg reports:

In , protests by public sector workers and anti-austerity campaigners have been running for years and nationwide strikes across multiple sectors that began last week continued into this as teachers, medical staff, and other civil servants again refused to back down after new cuts were announced by the government. As Reuters reports:

In the , the fast food workers strikes that have caught fire in city after city this summer have become the best example of low-wage workers fed up with poverty-level incomes, zero benefits, and poor conditions in an industry they say can easily afford to pay them more and treat them better.

From local channel King 5 News in , comes this report: