— The Roman Reigns/John Cena promo from this week’s Raw was planned and scripted about a week ago and Vince McMahon actually spoke with both wrestlers personally about what he wanted them to say. Each wrestler was given an outline of the script by Friday and told to work on their delivery for Monday. The public consensus opinion is that Cena came out significantly better than Reigns, but that didn’t really surprise a lot of people backstage.
— There are a lot of people backstage who feel that Jerry Lawler should be given a commentating role on either Raw or Smackdown based on the quality of his work. However, the feeling is that Vince McMahon has always been hesitant to have Lawler play a central role due to his advancing age. With JBL stepping down from Smackdown, it remains to be seen whether that role will be given to Lawler or someone else.
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