Thanks to Juan for sending this in:
Former WWE NXT talents Chase Donovan and Chad Baxter joined former WWE
developmental wrestler Kevin Matthews and J-Silva on their Two And A Half
Wrestlers podcast. This is a must listen as Chase and Chad dropped some major
bombshells on Bill Demott which includes Bill having a gun in his office,
hitting talents on the back with a yardstick, using homophobic slurs daily,
telling talents to go kill themselves, bullying and over training talents,
getting Cena’s trainer fired, etc. This is a must listen!
Kevin Matthews runs down his history with Demott to start off the show and
the interview with Donovan and Baxter starts at the 20 minute mark
Thanks to Chris W. for sending this in:
Hey guys I’m an avid reader on the website and I came across this podcast discussing the horrors and bullying of wrestlers from Bill Demott’s training down at NXT. I took a listen and it has some very interesting information in here that I think should get out there for people to hear or read on this site. It’s podcast number 64 and is entitled “#EndDemottcracy be a Star.” Here is the link. Thanks guys.