
Captain Marvel Has the Best Movie Website Since Space Jam

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Try to think back to a time when the internet wasn’t a toxic mix of rage and false equivalence. Trick question! It’s always been. But for a few glorious years in the 1990s, it was also glittery and welcoming and amateurish and wonderful and absurd. It was the age of Geocities, and an era Marvel […]


The Era of Quantum Computing Is Here. Outlook: Cloudy

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After decades of heavy slog with no promise of success, quantum computing is suddenly buzzing with almost feverish excitement and activity. Nearly two years ago, IBM made a quantum computer available to the world: the 5-quantum-bit (qubit) resource they now call (a little awkwardly) the IBM Q experience. That seemed more like a toy for […]


What Should Actually Win at the Oscars

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Let me say this right off the bat: Most film geeks write down their predictions for the Oscars. This isn't that kind of story. Everything here is based on opinion, not on what will or should win. Play-along-at-home fans who fill out Oscar ballots each year often do one with their heads and one with […]


Give the Robots Electronic Tongues

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Humans lives their lives trapped in a glass cage of perception. You can only see a limited range of visible light, you can only taste a limited range of tastes, you can only hear a limited range of sounds. Them’s the evolutionary breaks. But machines can kind of leapfrog over the limitations of natural selection. […]


Elusive Higgs-Like State Created in Exotic Materials

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If you want to understand the personality of a material, study its electrons. Table salt forms cubic crystals because its atoms share electrons in that configuration; silver shines because its electrons absorb visible light and reradiate it back. Electron behavior causes nearly all material properties: hardness, conductivity, melting temperature. Quanta Magazine About Original story reprinted […]


I'm Not Here to Make Friends: The Rise and Fall of the Supercut Video

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In the summer of 2008, Rich Juzwiak was working as a culture writer for VH1’s website, a job that required him to keep up with a daunting assortment of reality-television shows. Some were well-established hits: Survivor, The Apprentice, Big Brother. Others were single-season oddities, like The White Rapper Show or Crowned. No matter what show […]


Helix Takes Clinical Genetic Testing Straight to Consumers

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During a recent Uber ride, Madhuri Hegde’s driver asked her what she did for a living. The chief scientific officer for laboratory services at PerkinElmer, she prepared to bore him with a description of the tests her company had developed—most recently to flag serious genetic disorders. Instead, he was intrigued. “Where can I get one […]


13 Workplace Comedies to Buckle Down With This Labor Day Weekend

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There are two kinds of employees. (Three, if you count those who traffic in binary generalizations.) You've got those who squeeze as much life as they can out of every moment they’re not stuck in an office cubicle, and those who can’t resist checking/responding to work emails and Slacks, even when they’re on vacation. Fortunately, […]