
Trumpcare Opponents to Senate Dems: 'Play Hardball. Don't Be Weak'

Anti-Trump resistance groups are ramping up pressure on Senate Democrats to use all the tactics in their arsenal to resist Trumpcare as Republicans attempt, in secrecy, to hammer out the legislation and rapidly bring it to a vote before the July 4 recess.

“The next few weeks will be critical, and indications are that the fight will come down to key Senators in 10 states. Make your voices heard.”
—IndivisibleThese calls for fierce opposition come on the heels of reporting by Vox‘s Jeff Stein, which indicates that some Democratic senators are skeptical about deploying the so-called “nuclear option” on healthcare, which would include tactics like withholding consent to delay Senate procedures.

One top aide told Stein that by not “going nuclear” on Trumpcare, Democrats will be better positioned to work with Republicans on imposing sanctions on Russia.

This sparked outrage from activists, who viewed such maneuvering as a sign that Democrats are prioritizing Russia sanctions over the health of the American public.

Ezra Levin, co-executive director of Indivisible, led the way on Twitter, arguing that Democrats should channel the anger of their constituents and do whatever they can to stop TrumpCare.

In response to reports suggesting that some Democrats view delay tactics as useless in the long-run, Levin wrote, “[Two] weeks of public debate could kill Trumpcare. People HATE it. Let it sit in the sun. It will rot. Dems should play hardball. Don’t be weak.”

“Republicans are playing hardball,” he added. “So we have to play hardball too to win.”

Indivisible on Monday also put out a guide titled “TrumpCare Ten,” highlighting state representatives who could potentially be influenced by popular pressure.

“TrumpCare bill (American Health Care Act, or AHCA) would strip coverage from at least 23 million people and cut Medicaid by $800 billion, in order to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations. It would also undermine critical protections for people with pre-existing conditions, defund Planned Parenthood, and raise premiums for American families,” the group wrote. “The next few weeks will be critical, and indications are that the fight will come down to key Senators in 10 states. Make your voices heard.”

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“Got a Democratic Senator?” Levin asked. “Great. Get them to slow down EVERYTHING in the Senate until there’s a hearing on TrumpCare.”