
Veteran WWE Referee Reveals He Suffered Spine Injury, Underwent Major Surgery (Photos)

Veteran WWE referee Scott Armstrong took to social media on Sunday to reveal that he recently underwent successful surgery to repair his L4-L5 discs in his spine.

Armstrong noted that he suffered the injury while helping someone move a recliner and he turned the wrong way, herniating two discs in his spine in the process.

“My story: few weeks ago I helped someone move,” wrote Armstrong via his official Twitter page yesterday. “I lifted a recliner n turned at the same time…WRONG MOVE..forgot I wasn’t 21 again!”

Armstrong continued, “Herniated L4-L5 disc n surgery! Out till June! Now: baby steps n lift nothing over 10lbs 2 weeks. Like I said BABY STEPS #familymeansEVERYTHING.”

Check out Scott Armstrong’s tweet, which includes photos of the X-ray of his injury, himself in the hospital and more, by clicking here.

  • PHOTOS: Veteran WWE Referee Scott Armstrong Suffers Back Spinal Injury, Undergoes Major Surgery

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