
What We Want The New Indian Government To Work On, On A War Footing

A few billion rupees and months of hyper campaigning later, the Lok Sabha 2019 Election verdict has been announced. It also becomes clear my echo chamber has holes, I have friends from both sides of the liberal-bhakt divide. The liberals have spent the last two days (or 4 spiralling from dejection to cursing and anger); the Bhakts have spent the days since the Exit Polls going from smug to crass rubbing their victory in the faces of people who may not necessarily give a damn. They’re both right and they’re both wrong and they both will not listen.

While the fireworks go off, and the laddoos are distributed by the tonnes, at Indiatimes we’re going back to the issues we fixated on for #ITCounts – Air Pollution, Employment, Women’s Safety, Deforestation and 7 others which we hope the new old government will take up as measures in the first 100 days. There’s no particular order to these – except that we would like some concrete action on them, now that the electioneering has ended.

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Here are 11 major challenges that the Modi government should find solutions to as soon as it takes charge for the second time:

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