
WWE RAW Results (2/3): Salt Lake City, UT.

The Monday, February 3, 2020 episode of WWE RAW is live this week from the Vivint Smart Home Arena in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Randy Orton to explain his ruthless attack on Edge at the start of tonight’s RAW.

Ricochet, Seth Rollins and Bobby Lashley to square off for the WWE Title opportunity at Super ShowDown.

Liv Morgan and Lana rematch scheduled for tonight’s RAW.

WWE RAW RESULTS (2/3/2020)

Show Opening

WWE Monday Night RAW airing live on USA Network at 8:00pm EST starts off with “Legendary” by Skillet playing as the opening video package plays, kicking off the show! We enter the Vivint Smart Home Arena in Salt Lake City, UT on the Road to Wrestlemania, where announcers say Randy Orton will be speaking momentarily…

Opening Video Package

But first, a video clip of Edge being taken off in an ambulance after last week’s RAW where he was ruthlessly attacked by Randy Orton. Then a video from earlier that night where Edge addressed the crowd about his return to Monday Night RAW, followed by a video clip from the previous night’s Royal Rumble where Edge had officially returned. Finishing out the video package is Orton’s attack on Edge after asking Edge to have RKO get together one last time.

Randy Orton In-Ring Explanation

The Viper’s music sounds in the Salt Lake City, UT arena as Randy Orton makes his way out onto the stage, stopping to look out into the crowd before making his way slowly down the ramp, stopping ringside, closing his eyes and bowing his head before continuing towards the stairs, making his way into the ring.

A “You Suck” chant rings from the crowd as Orton steps into the ring. Orton walks to the corner of the ring, lowering his head slightly before climbing to the middle turnbuckle and looking out into the crowd. A mixture of cheers and boos as Orton asks for a mic. Orton nods slightly as he paces the ring, waiting for the crowds chants to die down.

The crowd quiets and Orton begins, “Look, I uh…” as boos follow. Orton continues, “I guess I owe everybody an explanation. You see, the thing…” the crowd boos louder, then begins to chant, “EDGE! EDGE! EDGE!” followed by more booing towards The Viper. Orton puts his hand on the rope and raises the mic to his mouth. Orton tries once more, “Last week I…” the crowd chants “You Suck” over him. Random shouting and booing from the crowd continues.

Orton attempts to go on, “I can’t, I can’t do this…” and he sets the microphone down in the center of the ring as he rolls out and heads towards the ramp, making his way back up the ramp and exiting at the lower side of the stage.

Announcer’s Table

Lawler, Saxton, and Phillips speak ringside.

Lawler says he doesn’t know what to think, Orton seeming evil to the core last week, yet showing remorse tonight. Saxton sets up a video package of the Royal Rumble from eight days ago, highlighting McIntyre eliminating Lesnar.

Lana vs. Liv Morgan

Our first match of the night, Lana’s music sounds in the arena as Lana makes her way onto the stage, hands high in the air as she shakes her hips back and forth down the ramp towards the ring as we go to commercial.

(WWE congratulates the Chief’s Kingdom for their SuperBowl win this past Sunday as we come back from commercial break.)

Liv Morgan makes her way to the ring as her music sounds in the arena. Morgan enters the ring. The bell rings, the match begins. Morgan wastes no time as she shoves Lana across the ring, Lana putting her hands up seemingly scared as the referee seperates the two. Lana with a sneak attack, shouting “I’m the best wrestler in the world!” Morgan goes off the ropes and slams Lana to the mat, sitting on Lana’s chest as she gets the pin.

Winner: Liv Morgan

After the Match

Ruby Riott’s music sounds in the arena. Liv Morgan looks up the ramp in shock, covering her mouth with her hand and smiling. Riott makes her way down the ramp and enters the ring with Morgan. Morgan nods at Riott and smiles as the crowd chants, “Ruby! Ruby!” Morgan leans in for a hug as Riott does, Riott slams Morgan to the mat and a fury of punches follow.

Lana smiling as she watches from the corner of the ring. Riott exits the ring, Lana takes advantage of the attack and slams Morgan to the mat once more saying, “that’s karma!” before exiting the ring herself. Morgan is left laying in the center of the ring, looking up the ramp in confusion as she catches her breath. We go to commercial.

Announcer’s Table

The announcers thank the WWE Universe of Salt Lake City, UT for making it to tonight’s Monday Night RAW as the snow was so strong in the area, earlier in the day the governor advised residence to stay off the roads. We pan the arena, full of fans.

Mojo Rawley vs. Drew McIntyre

Mojo Rawley with Riddick Moss stand in the center of the ring as we return to RAW.

A video clip is shown from last weeks RAW where Drew McIntyre addressed the WWE Universe following his win at the Royal Rumble, where McIntyre announced he challenged Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania.

Drew McIntyre’s music sounds in the arena as McIntyre makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring. McIntyre stands in the center of the ring as Rawley leans against the ropes with his foot proped up. McIntyre picks up the mic and begins, “First of all, thank you Salt Lake for fighting through that blizzard to be here tonight.” McIntyre tells Rawley he will be with him momentarily, then declares he will Claymore Rawley’s head off three seconds after he drops the mic.

McIntyre goes on to speak about Lesnar’s sneak attack, saying he himself is just as big and just as fast. McIntyre says he is going to kick Lesnar’s oversized head off his body at Wrestlemania and become champion.

McIntyre reminds Rawley about the three seconds as the bell rings, McIntyre walks towards Rawley, hits the Claymore, and pins for the three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

Buddy Murphy and AOP speak on their match tonight against Kevin Owens and The Viking Raiders. Murphy says that Owens and The VR are working harder, not smarter. The Monday Night Messiah Seth Rollins walks up and says he will handle the interview, dismissing AOP and Murphy to get ready for their match. Rollins says the Triple Threat Match tonight is his redemption, he’s beaten Brock Lesnar twice. McIntyre needs to see the writing on the wall, he needs to start preparing for a new champion of Monday Night Raw. Rollins walks away.

Kevin Owens & The Viking Raiders vs. Buddy Murphy & AOP

Kevin Owens makes his way out to the stage as his music sounds in the arena. Owens runs down the ramp and jumps into the ring, pacing the mat. We go to commercial.

We come back from commercial as The Viking Raiders Erik and Ivar of The Viking Raiders make their way down the ramp and enter the ring, joining Kevin Owens.

As their music sounds next, Buddy Murphy and AOP (Akam and Rezar) make their way down the ramp accompanied by The Monday Night Messiah, Seth Rollins. Eliminations will continue until one team has eliminated all three of their opponents. The bell rings and the match begins.

Buddy Murphy enters the ring with Kevin Owens to begin tonight’s six man elimination match up. Owens with a Body Slam on Murphy, followed by a Senton. Erik and Ivar tag in slamming Murphy as we head to commercial.

We come back from commercial and a big boot by Ivar on Razar. Erik with a heavy knee strike. Akam with a rain of fists in the center of the ring. Murphy enters the ring with Erik. Murphy dragging Erik back multiple times. Erik knocks Murphy to the mat and makes the tag. Akam with a Crossbody. Ivar with amazing athleticism followed by a Body Slam on Murphy.

Erik covers Murphy. Akam thrown outside of the ring. Ivar takes flight, Erik flies out over the opposite ropes. Ivar unintentionally slams into the side of the ring. Rollins with the assist, Erik is eliminated by Murphy with the pin in the ring. Ivar attempting to get his shoulder back into place. Officials run down the ramp and the match stops momentarily. Ivar injured, Kevin Owens is left alone on the apron.

Murphy and AOP stand in the center of the ring signaling for Owens to “come on” and enter the ring. We go to commercial.

We come back from commercial where Owens is in the ring with Murphy. A recap is shown where Erik is eliminated and Ivar had to leave due to injury. Murphy gets a lock on Owens, the crowd begins to clap and Owens makes his way back to his feet. Owens slams Murphy into the barricade on the outside of the ring.

Rollins encourages Murphy back into the ring. Owens dropped by Murphy, Murphy attempts a pin, Owens shoves him off. Owens shoulder shoves Murphy into the corner. Murphy allows Akam to tag in. Akam gets a pin attempt, Owens kicks out.

Akam gets a submission hold on Owens, Rollins stands outside of the ring saying, “there’s no shame in giving in Kevin, no shame in giving in”. Owens finds his way out of the move, Murphy tags in. Owens gets a massive kick on Murphy followed by a DDT. Murphy makes a tag to Akam. Akam with several blows, then tagging Murphy in again.

Owens builds momentum taking out Akam and Razar, then Murphy. Owens on the outside takes out Rollins. Murphy comes running at Owens, Owens with another massive kick on Murphy. Following that flurry, back in the ring, Owens off the top rolling through. A Power Bomb by Owens for the pin, eliminating Buddy Murphy. One down, two to go.

Owens strugging back to his feet, Akam enters the ring and delivers a massive ground and pound. Owens hits the Stunner and eliminates Akam with another three count pin. One on one match now between Kevin Owens and Razar. Rollins tells Razar to “take care of him” Owens shoves Razar into the post followed by a Super Kick. Razar down, Owens crawls onto the apron, then up to the top with a Swanton, then the pin. Razar kicks out at two.

The crowd chanting loudly, “KO! KO! KO!” Owens lifts Razar onto his shoulders, Rollins attempts to go in for an interference. Owens drops Razar and goes at the ropes, Rollins jumps down. Razar with a Clothesline on Owens followed by a slam to the mat and the three count.

Winner: Buddy Murphy & AOP

After the Match

The Monday Night Messiah, Buddy Murphy, and AOP celebrate their victory as Kevin Owens is left alone in the ring, struggling to his knees, still trying to make his way back to his feet as he catches his breath. The crowd cheers for Owens as they begin to clap. Owens stands up, the crowd in standing ovation as well.


Ricochet in a triple threat match tonight, is asked what this opportunity means to him. Ricochet says this is his dream, since he was fourteen years old. He goes on to say he knows it’s unlikely, he’s not as strong as Lashley, doesn’t have a team like others, but his determination can outweigh probability. Ricochet finishes saying it means everything to him.

Aleister Black vs. Erik Young

Aleister Black makes his way down the ramp towards the ring Black with a Leg Sweep, followed by a Knee to the midsection of Young. Black with a combination move, Young counters. Black nearly knocks Young’s lights out as Young comes off the ropes directly into a kick by Black. Black lifts Young to his knees with his foot. Black hits the Black Mass for the three count.

Winner: Aleister Black

After the Match

Black begins speaking to the crowd, “Remember when they told you when you were young that you could grow up to be anything you wanted to be, only to realize later on that it was quite the opposite.” Black goes on to say, “I believe people should be whoever they choose to be, that drives relentless competition.”

Black sits down and the lights dim. Black speaks directly to the locker room full of superstars, telling them he is coming for them one by one. Black ends his message saying, “…and while you’re laying there, you will realize it was done by somebody that was told he could be whatever he wanted to be.” Black stands up and makes his way out of the ring and up the ramp as his music plays.

Video Clip

A video recap of Carrillo and Andrade’s match from last week’s RAW, then after the match where Carrillo took out Andrade on the cement outside of the ring causing Andrade to be out of commission “indefinitely” according to announcers.

Carrillo makes his way to the ring as we go to commercial.

In Ring

Humberto Carrillo is waiting in the ring. Zelina Vega speaks to Carrillo, “Vulnerability is a liability, and I found yours. Because when you mess with my business, I mess with yours.” The crowd begins to respond, “What?” to each thing she says. Zelina Vega says she got Carrillo’s cousin Angel Garza because Carrillo took out Andrade, her client.

Garza says to Carrillo, “We both know, that in real time, i am the leader of our family. So you, answer to me. All you have done, last week, is a disgrace. To all these people, to our family, and to our race.” As Garza goes to continue speaking, Carrillo snatches the mic out of Garza’s hand. Carrillo speaks in spanish about Garza’s ability to do this for money, against his family.

Garza begins attacking Carrillo, taking him to the mat. Garza holds Carrillo down, finally picking him up and hitting the Wing Clipper on Carrillo. Zelina instructs Garza to take Carrillo to the outside of the ring. Zelina pulls the mat away from the cement. Zelina says, “Do it!” Garza smiles, dragging Carrillo to the cement.

All of a sudden Rey Mysterio’s music sounds and Mysterio comes running to aid of Carrillo. Garza kneeling inside the ring next to Zelina. The crowd begins to chant, “619! 619! 619!” Mysterio enters the ring, returning the gaze of Garza as we go to commercial.

Rey Mysterio vs. Angel Garza

As we come back from commercial, it is announced that Mysterio and Garza will be in an official match. The bell rings, the match begins. The crowd chants once again, “619! 619! 619!” Mysterio gets the advantage to start off the match, taking Garza to the mat. Mysterio once again takes Garza to the mat, getting a Side Headlock on Garza. Garza goes for a hit on Mysterio, Mysterio drops him.

Garza throws his hand up and says, “stop!” as he kneels on one knee. Garza removes his pants, attempting to use them as a distraction. Garza with a massive Chop to the chest of Mysterio. Garza catches Mysterio up in the turnbuckle, Mysterio hanging upside down. Garza drops Mysterio to the mat shouting, “Shake, my, hand!” Zelina Vega smiling as she leans on the apron.

Garza grabs for the mask of Garza. Mysterio pushes him off. Garza with a pin attempt, Mysterio kicks out. Once again the crowd shouts, “619! 619!” Garza stuck in the ropes, Mysterio goes for the 619, Garza steps to the side, Mysterio lands on the apron outside of the ropes. Garza slides under the ropes and pulls on the apron, dropping Mysterio to the floor outside of the ring as we go to commercial.

Tilt a Whirl Back Breaker by Mysterio onto Garza as we return from commercial. Garza and Mysterio go back and forth. Garza gets Mysterio to the mat, going for the Moonsault, waiting too long, nobody home. Mysterio with a kick to the side of the face. Both Garza and Mysterio laid out. Mysterio back up, hits a DDT on Garza. Mysterio with a pin attempt, Garza kicks out at two.

Mysterio drops Garza to the mat, Garza grabs the foot of Mysterio, then hits a knee on Mysterio and goes for the pin again. Mysterio kicks out. Mysterio drops Garza into the ropes, about to go for the 619, Zelina Vega grabs Garza out of the ropes. The referee yells at Vega. Superkick blindsiding Mysterio as he’s distracted by Vega.

Garza hits the Hammerlock DDT onto the concrete where the mat was pulled back earlier on the outside of the ring. The referee calls for the bell as the match ends in Disqualification

After the Match

Angel Garza and Zelina Vega blow kisses from the top of the ramp out into the crowd. Rey Mysterio is surrounded by officials as he lays on the ground ringside. Mysterio can be seen saying, “it hurts, it hurts…”

Charlotte Flair’s competitor announcement is said to be coming up next, as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial where the crowd is shown once again as video clips are shown from the blizzard going on just outside the arena.

Charlotte Flair Announcement

Charlotte Flair’s music sounds in the arena as Flair makes her way out to the stage wearing an open red robe as an extension of her ring attire. Flair spins as the pyro goes off in the arena. Flair makes her way down the ramp and enters the ring, once again pointing to the Wrestlemania sign hanging above the crowd, smiling.

The crowd says, “Wooo!” Charlotte begins by saying everyone wants to know who she’s going to choose. Whether it’s going to be Becky Lynch, or if it’ll be Bayley. Charlotte says she’s held both championships, beating both women. The crowd chants “Rhea! Rhea!” Flair responds saying she has love for NXT, and NXT has love for their queen. Flair continues by saying she has held the championship 10 times, but she still wants all the gold.

Flair is interrupted as the music sounds for Rhea Ripley. The crowd chants, “NXT! NXT!” Ripley begins speaking, “You’ve already beaten Becky, and you’ve already beaten Bayley. But you know who you haven’t beaten? Me. As a matter of fact, I’ve actually beaten… you. So if you’re going to challenge for any title at Wrestlemania, well…” Ripley removes her championship belt. The crowd begins chanting, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Flair moves in close and smiles at Ripley, then walks right past her as she climbs under the rope, exiting down the stairs.

Flair makes her way up the ramp, turning at the top of the stage, lifting the mic to her mouth to say, “Wooooo!” Ripley left standing in the ring holding her belt in her hand.


Bobby Lashley is asked what his battle plan is, and if he was distracted by the Lana vs. Liv Morgan match tonight. Lashley says not at all, that was her match. Lashley said he will beat Rollins and Ricochet tonight, perhaps both at the same time. Lashley says after that, he will beat Lesnar. Lashley finishes by saying he will beat McIntyre and be the WWE Champion, as he shows off his guns before walking off.

Asuka (with Kairi Sane) vs. Natalya

We go to commercial as Asuka (with Kairi Sane) make their way to the ring. Natalya wearing her purple and gold arm band in memory of Kobe Bryant. The bell rings and the match begins. Early lock up between the two women. Both back to their feet.

Natalya flips Asuka over her back and attempts to lock in a submission. Asuka tries to get Natalya into an Arm Bar, to no avail. Asuka tries to pick up the pace, Natalya tries to get a Leg Lock in. Both women continue with quick movements. Asuka trying for the Asuka Lock. Natalya with a fury of blows on Asuka into the corner of the ring.

Natalya using her power, hits a Power Bomb and attempts a pin, Asuka kicks out at two. Natalya goes for the Sharp Shooter, Asuka blocks as we go to commercial.

As we come back, a clip is shown of Asuka’s rebound attack on Natalya during the break. Asuka slams Natalya face first into the canvas. Asuka kicks Natalya right in the mouth. Asuka unable to make Natalya tap, slams Natalya backwards by her hair and attempts a pin. Natalya kicks out at two.

Natalya with multiple blows to the face of Asuka for the counter. Asuka tries to shut down Natalya, Natalya stands up, holding Asuka with feet straight up in the air. Natalya hits a massive Suplex. Both women struggle to their feet. Asuka goes running at Natalya, Natalya counters.

Back and forth roll ups for pin attempts. Disqus Clothesline by Natalya. Sharp Shooter is locked in with Asuka far away from the ropes, Asuka refusing to let go, even at the five count by the referee. Asuka falls out of the ring. Back in the ring, Asuka hits the Asuka Lock, Natalya taps out.

Winner: Asuka

After the Match

Even after the tap by Natalya, Asuka still didn’t let go for several moments after the win. Finally standing to celebrate. Asuka asks for the mic.

Asuka says, “Where is Becky?! -Unable to translate- Becky Lynch!! -Unable to translate- the champion…” Becky Lynch’s music sounds in the arena. Lynch makes her way down the ramp in all leather and sunglasses.

Lynch grabs the mic, “After ducking me for a whole year, you want to fight me again? Sounds interesting, because after fighting you at the Royal Rumble, you damn near gave me super powers. Would I want to drink from that fountain again? You’re damn right I do. The only thing more fun than beating your ass once, would be to do it again.”

Kairi Sane sneaks behind, Lynch turns just in time to counter the move and throw Sane back out through the ropes. Lynch turns back to Asuka saying, “See? Eyes in the back of my head, Super Powers.” Lynch throws the mic at Asuka and exits the ring as she heads back up the ramp. We go to commercial.


Charlotte Flair going to NXT Wednesday to answer Rhea Ripley’s challenge!

Main Event: Triple Threat Match

Seth Rollins vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Ricochet

Out first is Seth Rollins as his music sounds in the arena. Rollins asks the crowd to applaud Buddy Murphy and AOP for their match earlier tonight. Rollins continues that it is now his time, and he will de-throne Brock Lesnar. The crowd boos. Rollins says its shocking that the response is completely different than it was when he said the same thing last year.

Rollins says he expected a hero’s welcome after he did, and he was crucified. Rollins goes on to say he isn’t mad at the fans, it is because of them he is the man he is today. Rollins says he will beat Lesnar and not for himself, not for the fans, but for the greater good. Rollins concludes saying he will save this industry and will be remembered for years to come as just that.

Next to make his way to the ring is Ricochet as his music sounds in the arena. The strobe lights go on and the main lights dim as Ricochet runs down the ramp and enters the ring, bouncing off the ropes doing a back flip, doing a few other stunts before the lights return.

Last to come out is Bobby Lashley as his music sounds in the arena. Lashley walks out onto the stage posing with his guns oiled up and a huge smile on his face. Lashley begins down the ramp towards the ring where Rollins and Ricochet are waiting as we go to commercial. Main event begins when we come back from commercial break!

The bell rings and the match begins. Ricochet drops Lashley. Ricochet goes over the top rope for a high flying move onto Rollins. Murphy comes running down the ramp, shoving Ricochet off the top rope. AOP at ringside, attacking Lashley on the outside of the ring. Murphy with a straight shot to Ricochet. Music sounds for Kevin Owens Owens takes out Buddy Murphy on the stage.

Erik of the Viking Raiders and Owens helping take out Razar and Akam of AOP. Chaos on RAW as a chase ensues through the crowd with steel chairs in hand. Rollins watches on from the center of the ring, his hands on his hips. We go to commercial.

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We return from commercial and Ricochet is in the center of the ring throwing blows at Rollins as Lashley enters the ring. Lashley runs at Rollins in the corner, throwing a forearm to the face of Rollins. Ricochet off the top rope puts down Lashley in the center of the ring. Ricochet dropping Rollins as well. Ricochet with a jump over the ropes, a big kick to the face of Lashley. Ricochet off the top, Standing Shooting Star on Rollins. Lashley with the save at the last minute. Ricochet once again throwing massive kicks. Lashley hits a Spine Buster. Lashley with a pin on Rollins, Rollins kicks out.

Back and forth action between all three men. Rollins with Blockbuster off the top on Lashley, broken up by Ricochet. Ricochet shuts down Rollins as Rollins makes his way to the top turnbuckle, Once again, Rollins heads to the top. All three men on the turnbuckle, Lashley and Ricochet flip Rollins who rolls out of the ring. Ricochet off the top lands on Lashley for the three count pin!

Winner: Ricochet

After the Match

Brock Lesnar out of nowhere hits the F-5 on Ricochet, before Ricochet even has time to stand and celebrate his victory. Lesnar smiles and holds the championship belt high in the air to close the show.

That’s all for tonight’s Monday Night RAW!

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