The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) has just published its annual report, which confirms that the Southern Cone of Latin America is the region of the world producing the largest quantity of GMOs and having the largest land area under a single monoculture (over 54 million hectares of GM soy in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and southern Bolivia).
What the ISAAA does not discuss, since it is merely a propaganda arm of the large biotech corporations, are the impacts that this model has had throughout the region and around the world as it completes its twentieth harvest this year.
GRAIN, along with hundreds of other organisations, has been monitoring and reporting on the socio-environmental consequences of the GMO model of industrial agriculture since even before it was put into practice.
With the twentieth harvest of glyphosate-resistant GM soy in the Southern Cone (approximately 175 million tonnes) now underway, we have prepared this poster in order to present twenty arguments for the eradication of this crop, once and for all.
Download the poster [700KB] and share it.
1. In Argentina, it was approved illegitimately by an agency (the National Advisory Commission on Agricultural Biotechnology, or CONABIA) stacked with representatives of the chemical corporations. And as for its expansion into Brazil and Paraguay, the technology was never subjected to democratic debate in these countries – it was simply planted illegally on a mass scale.
2. Its imposition resulted in a green desert extending over 54 million hectares, christened the “United Republic of Soybeans” by the multinationals.
3. With the introduction of GM soy, the use of glyphosate (recently reclassified by the World Health Organization as a probable carcinogen) in the region rocketed to over 550 million litres per year, with dramatic consequences for the health of its inhabitants.
4. Millions of peasants were displaced and thousands more had to give up producing local food, being unable to coexist with GM soy.
5. Hundreds of peasants were criminalised, persecuted, and murdered in their struggle to defend the land from being taken over by soy monoculture.
6. Millions of hectares of native forest were destroyed throughout the Southern Cone, logged and ploughed to make way for soybeans.
7. Monsanto pushed (and is still pushing) for amendments to seed laws so that it can control and monopolise seeds. In Argentina, it has waged a fifteen-year lobbying campaign for amendments allowing it to collect royalties from every grower who saves seed for replanting.
8. Disease and death have spread through the region due to the increased use of agrotoxins, arousing resistance on the part of the “sprayed communities”.
9. Governments that attempted to rein in the spread of soy and GM crops were outmaneuvered, Paraguay being a paradigmatic case of such political interference.
10. Soils have been depleted and destroyed by this extractive form of agriculture, with an unprecedented loss of nutrients.
11. Land ownership has become highly concentrated. The paradigmatic case is again that of Paraguay, where 0.4% of landowners have grabbed 56% of the land.
12. Grazing, formerly practiced in rotation with agriculture, has been displaced into much more fragile ecosystems (the Amazon, the Paraguayan Chaco, wetlands, etc.), causing devastation in these areas.
13. An alliance between the corporate groups rolling out soybean monoculture and the mass media has been consolidated, with the result that there has been little debate or publicity about the impacts of this model.
14. Herbicide-resistant crops have proven to be an agronomic failure. Dozens of weeds have developed glyphosate resistance, requiring the spraying of ever larger quantities of this and other herbicides.