
WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results (1/31): Tulsa, OK.

WWE returns to the BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma this evening for this week’s episode of WWE Friday Night SmackDown.

Tonight’s post-Royal Rumble blue brand show features a stacked lineup from top-to-bottom in what is being billed as Super SmackDown due to the upcoming NFL Super Bowl game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers.

Featured below are complete WWE Super SmackDown Results from Tulsa, OK. The following report was written by correspondent Jamie Rush.


We kick things off with The Big Dog, as Roman Reigns music sounds in the BOK Center Arena. Reigns stops at the top of the ramp and as his fist meets the ramp the pyro goes off around him. Reigns makes his way down the ramp, touching the hands of a few fans on the way down, face serious as he is ready for tonight’s match up. Last Sunday’s Royal Rumble is highlighted with picture stills from the Reigns vs. Corbin match up.

We re-enter the ring, and Reigns is standing in the center of the ring, pacing as The Usos music sounds in the arena and Jimmy & Jey Uso both make their way down the ramp and enter the ring with their cousin Roman Reigns to team up for tonight’s six man tag-team match. Reigns tells the crowd, “Lemme hear you one time!” and speaks on the Royal Rumble and whooping Corbin’s ass all over the baseball stadium. Bad news being, he lost, the Usos finish as Reigns didn’t even want to say it. Reigns finishes by declaring they will win tonight and look forward to Wrestlemania.

Out next is King Corbin along with Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode. The crowd boos loudly as Corbin lifts the mic to his lips. Corbin says to Reigns that he knows for a fact that Reigns cheated and wouldn’t have gotten as far as he did without his The Usos. Corbin says he would have won the Royal Rumble had he not been attacked, and he would’ve went on to Wrestlemania. Corbin finishes by saying the three will pay for what they did.

Jimmy says, “What you mad for? Mr. my head too big for my crown” going on to label all the Superman Punches, Superman Spears, Superman Kicks that went to Corbin. Corbin out there playing checkers while The Usos are playing Chess. Corbin says the Usos had plenty of time for board games while disgracing their family as Corbin embarassed Reigns family, tying Reigns to the ring post and pouring dog food all over his head. The video from last month is once again played.

Reigns says, “The funny thing is, you’re still living in the past as if that was the best part of your career. Or you have a dog food fetish.” Reigns makes a stipulation that whoever loses the six man match will eat dog food. Corbin accepts. The Usos say they are glad he accepts because they have a big surprise. A big bowl of dog food is brought out on a platter behind Corbin on the stage.

WWE SmackDown Tag-Team Title Shot At WWE Super ShowDown
Heavy Machinery vs. The Revival vs. The Miz and John Morrison vs. Lucha House Party

Heavy Machinery make their way out first as their music sounds in the arena. Otis smiling and playing to the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp.

We come back from commercial as Otis and Tucker are standing inside the ring. It is announced that the winners of this match will become the #1 contenders to challenge SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day at WWE Super ShowDown in Saudi Arabia in February. The Revival is finishing their entrance as their music cuts, Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder make their way into the ring. The Lucha House Party’s Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado (No Kalisto) already in the ring, making their entrance during the commercial break.

Next to make their way to the ring is The Miz as his music sounds first for his team. Awesome! Miz waiting on his partner at the top of the ramp. John Morrison’s music sounds last as he and The Miz make their way down the ramp and enters the ring. The referee signals for the bell, the bell rings and the match begins.

Starting tonight’s fatal four way match up is Dash and Tucker, both men wasting no time as they go at it in the center of the ring. Dash caught in a bear hug by Tucker. Otis reaches for the tag, the crowd cheers as Otis enters the ring. Tucker throws Dash into Otis, who also welcomes him with a bear hug of his own. Dash counters with a Headbutt, breaking free. Dawson comes in to double team Otis with Dash.

Morrison drops Metalik off the apron as The Miz tags in and enters the ring as the crowd goes crazy. Dorado with a Double Stunner on Miz and Morrison in the center of the ring. Otis tags in, joining the ring with Miz and Morrison. Otis takes multiple shots at the two as he gets fired up and begins dancing while taking off his shirt in the ring. Otis tosses Morrison. Otis hits a Running Double Splash on Miz and Morrison in the corner. Fans cheer.

Later Otis hits the Caterpillar on Miz and Morrison. Tucker comes in for The Compactor as Dash breaks it up and throws Dash to the outside of the ring. Lince flies off the top rope for the two count on Dawson. Dawson plants Otis with a DDT. Superplex and Splash by Wilder. Lince and Dawson go at it inside the ring. Dawson rolls up Miz for the two count. Miz hits a Skill Crushing Finale on Dawson/ Morrison makes the tag and finishes the match with Starship Pain and the pin.

Winners and ADVANCING to WWE SmackDown Tag-Team Title shot at WWE Super Showdown: The Miz and John Morrison


Mandy makes her way over to Otis backstage after his match, thanking him for his help during the Royal Rumble. Otis explains he’s nervous as he begins, “Mandy, you know, I like you, flippidy bippidy, will… you go out with me, next Friday?” the crowd cheers as Mandy says, “I’m sorry, I have plans next Friday.” The crowd groans.

Mandy continues, “But I have no plans the following Friday” as the crowd can be heard applauding and wooing. Mandy and Sonya leave as Sonya declares they’re going to be late for their match up. Tucker explains that Otis’s date is on Valentine’s Day.

Announcer’s Table

Michael Cole and Corey Graves speak on The Universal Championship at last Sunday’s Royal Rumble. A video recap is shown, highlighting the events of The Fiend and Daniel Bryan’s Strap Match at Royal Rumble.

Then a video of Daniel Bryan speaking on the possibility that he loves his job too much, as he has to hide his wounds from his daughter. Daniel Bryan still trying to heal.

Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross vs. Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville

First out to the ring is Nikki Cross with Alexa Bliss alongside as they make their way down the ramp and enter the ring as we go to commercial.

As we return from the break, Michael Cole calls tonight Super SmackDown as they show a memory from “Half Time Heat” back in 1999 during the Super Bowl. Mankind becoming the champion.

We return to the arena where Fire and Desire’s music sounds over the speakers as Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville make their way out to the stage and head down the ramp together. Picture stills from the Royal Rumble where Otis helped Mandy Rose several times from being eliminated until Sonya was tossed over the rope too and ultimately they all fell to the floor on the outside of the ring.

Back in the ring once again, Sonya and Nikki are fighting inside the ring, Nikki pulling her to the outside. Alexa is thrown off the announcer’s table by Sonya. The match heads back into the ring, and the match officially begins as the bell sounds. Mandy Rose tags in the crowd begins clapping. Back and forth fighting between the women in this match up.

Later on, Mandy tags in and goes for Bliss, getting sent to the bottom turnbuckle. Bliss tags in Cross. Cross attacks Mandy with multiple Clotheslines, finishing by landing a forearm on Deville, knocking her off the apron, the crowd cheers. Nikki hits a Crossbody on Mandy getting the pin, Mandy kicks out at two. Sounya with a Running Knee for the break up. Mandy on Cross, Cross counters with a Neckbreaker. Alexa tags in, Alexa with a Twisted Bliss on Mandy for the pin..

Winners and New #1 Contenders: Nikki Cross & Alexa Bliss


Shinsuke Nakamura and his crew are seen walking backstage. We also see Braun Strowman walking. A video package airs highlighting recent happenings between the two leading to tonight. Back to commercial.

Braun Strowman vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Out first is the 385lb “Monster Among Men” Braun Strowman as his music sounds and he makes his way out onto the stage. Strowman makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring where he raises his hands above his head, hyping the crowd, the crowd cheers louder. Out next is Shinsuke Nakamura with Sami Zayn and Cesaro as Nakamura’s music plays over the speakers in the arena, lights beaming across the arena as the lights are dimmed.

The referee holds the championship belt high above his head as Strowman and Nakamura are in their corners. The referee signals for the bell to ring and the match begins. A quick Shoulder Tackle by Strowman on Nakamura. A right hand by Strowman as Nakamura is caught in the corner of the ring. Strowman attempts the Runaway Train to land a Big Boot, Nakamura moves out of the way just in time. Zayn enters the match.

Strowman continues to go after Nakamura, Zayn enters a third time for the defense of Nakamura. Strowman creates seperation as he throws Nakamura across the mat. Nakamura pin points the knee of Strowman. Vice grip of Strowman knocks the wind out of Nakamura as Strowman builds momentum. Strowman with a Splash in the corner, dominating the champion. Nakamura heads to the outside.

Strowman follows him to the outside, and lands another Shoulder Tackle. Back in the ring, Nakamura with a kick to the back of the neck, and a pin attempt. Strowman kicks out at two and a half. Zayn once again jumps up on the apron, trying to untie the turnbuckle. Cesaro grabs the attention of the referee as he jumps in the ring. Nakamura drags Strowman as he runs towards the turnbuckle.

Strowman counters, grabbing the back of Nakamura’s head and bouncing it off the turnbuckle followed by a Running Power Slam for the pin and win!

Winner and New Intercontinental Champion: Braun Strowman

After the Match

The unstoppable Braun Strowman stands in the center of the ring holding the Intercontinental Championship belt as he stares down at it and then out to the crowd. A huge smile across the face of Strowman as the crowd cheers. Strowman bows and thanks the audience.

Nakamura crouching down on the ramp alongside Zayn and Cesaro. Nakamura crying and pouting on the ramp. Strowman cheering and pointing into the crowd, cheering even louder, as we go to commercial break.


Sami Zayn is running his mouth backstage as a guitar strum can be heard. Elias is shown inside the arena. Elias says nobody wants to hear Zayn talk, so he’s trying to move things along. Zayn tells Elias and the fans to all shut their mouths. Elias tells Zayn to go on, and apologies.

Zayn continues, “What just went on was an injustice…” Elias begins playing again. Zayn says he was in the middle of a sentence, Elias says he thought Zayn was done. Zayn goes to speak one more time, Elias begins playing more. Zayn asks Cesaro to take care of Elias, Cesaro is seen walking away backstage.

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In Ring

Elias says he wrote everyone a song, and it would help if everyone clapped along. Cesaro’s music sounds and Cesaro in his sunglasses makes his way down the ramp and as he enters the ring, Elias drags Cesaro into the ring, shoving him into the corner and hitting multiple kicks on Cesaro before following up with a Clothesline. Elias finishes with a Running Knee, knocking Cesaro out of the ring. Officials drag Cesaro away.

Announcer’s Table

Cole shares that Rousey was on After the Bell with Corey Graves and says fans should download the podcast. Also Sheamus was on with Graves a couple weeks ago. Speaking on Sheamus brings up the name Shorty G.

Video Promo Package
A video package is shown of Shorty G and Sheamus, highlighting the events between the two before and during their match up at Royal Rumble.

Sheamus vs. Shorty G

Back in the arena, Sheamus is shown on the stage as the all black arena lights up red as Sheamus appears with his arms extended. Sheamus begins to take a step forward and Shorty G attack out of nowhere as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial, Shorty G is on the top rope, landing onto Sheamus on the outside of the ring. Sheamus with a Senton on the outside. Sheamus drags Shorty G back to his feet, throwing him back into the ring. Sheamus with a stomp to the back of Shorty G. Sheamus in complete control as he lifts Shorty G over his head, onto his shoulders, slamming him to the center of the ring.

Sheamus drags Shorty G around the ring like a rag doll. Sheamus then lifts Shorty G back to his knees, then to his feet. Shorty G giving it all he’s got as he attempts to fight back. Shorty G with a kick to the knee of Sheamus. Shorty G with forearms to the face of Sheamus as Sheamus is inside the ropes on the apron, Shorty G on the outside. Missle Drop Kick by Sheamus. Shorty G hits his Moonsault and goes for the cover. Sheamus kicks out at two. Shorty G with a Waistlock attempting a German Suplex, Sheamus counters.

Sheamus with the Irish Curse Backbreaker. Sheamus with a Boot Kick to the face of Shorty G for the pin and three count.

Winner: Sheamus

We come back from commercial, Drew McIntyre as the special guest on WWE Backstage on FS1 is announced.

In-Ring Promo

Bayley’s music sounds in the arena as she makes her way out to the stage and begins walking down the ramp with her signature smile having returned to her face. Bayley brags on herself and then shares her win at Royal Rumble, how she beat Lacey Evans and crushed her dreams. The crowd chants, “What?” after each thing Bayley says. Bayley continues on, saying Summer, the daughter of Lacey can sit amongst the annoying sheep in the audience to watch Bayley. Bayley says she has beat everyone, which is why she knows Charlotte Flair will choose her for Wrestlemania.

Music sounds, but it is not Flair. A strobe blacklight begins as Naomi comes out covered in LED colorful lighting on her head and body. Naomi removes the helmet and her signature ‘fro begins bouncing as Naomi dances and claps in the center of the ring, the lights returning. Bayley is seen taken aback, standing in the corner of the ring, looking on in disgust.

Naomi shared that now that she’s back, all she hears is lying, as she points out Bayley has never beat her. Naomi says as the former SmackDown Women’s Champion, she believes that belt deserves a little glow. Bayley attacks Naomi unexpectedly, then tries to use the title to smash Naomi in the head. Naomi ducks, and throws Bayley to the outside of the ring. Bayley laying on the floor outside of the ring writhing in pain. Naomi once again dancing and smiling in the ring.

Loser Eats Dog Food: Roman Reigns and The Usos vs. King Baron Corbin, Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode

Jimmy Uso (Naomi’s husband) and Jey make their way down the ramp, passing Naomi who is exiting the ring from her interaction with Bayley moments before, The Usos preparing for the main event as their music sounds over the speakers in the BOK Center in the Tulsa OK arena as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial and The Usos are standing in the center of the ring alongside their cousin Roman Reigns, prepared for tonight’s main event match up. They stare on as the music sounds in the arena for King Corbin who makes his way down the ramp with Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler. The bell rings and the match begins.

Corbin runs to the opposing corner to go after Roman Reigns, then goes after Jimmy Uso to start off the match. Jey makes his way into the ring for the double team. Robert Roode holds the rope, causing Jey to fall through the ropes. Roode attacking Jey once again on the outside, throwing Jey over the barricade on the outside of the ring.

The display where the giant bowl of dog food awaits comes into view as the announcer and everyone show visible disgust, saying it is not consumable by humans, or dogs for that matter. We go to commercial.

Back from the commercial and Roode is still on the offense with Jey Uso. Jey gains the upperhand and Roode goes down. Ziggler makes his way in and Ziggler gets dropped as well. Corbin makes his way in next and sends Jey flying into the ring post. Jey unable to make the tag.

Corbin gains the upperhand and gets a close two count on Jey. Corbin and Jey are on the outside. Corbin tells Jey to eat the dog food. Jey powers his way through all three of his opponents, Reigns back on the apron reaching for the tag. Reigns finally gets the tag.

Reigns unloads multiple Clotheslines, fans counting along as Reigns continues to dominate. Corbin and Reigns are back and forth, Reigns rocks Corbin with an Uppercut finally. Roode distracts the referee as Corbin cheats, gouging the eyes of Reigns, followed by a Superkick from Ziggler. Corbin his the Deep Six, Reigns kicks out!

Fans chant “Roman! Roman! Roman!” Jimmy Uso makes his way back into the ring. Jimmy blocks Roode and sends him over a table on the outside with a Suicide Dive. Corbin and Reigns left to fight it out, Reigns rolls Corbin up for the pin!

Winner: Roman Reigns & The Usos

After the Match

Roman Reigns celebrates with Jimmy and Jey inside the ring. The Usos bring the chains and handcuffs out. Corbin tries to fight, refusing to be strapped to the post. Reigns hits a Spear. Ziggler and Roode unable to assist. Reigns and The Usos roll the dog food cart towards Corbin and pour it all over Corbin. Reigns and The Usos pose for a photo all cheesin’ in front of dog food covered Corbin. Fans cheer as SmackDown ends.

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